melanie hope jackson
This was one of the greatest and most creative influences of my entire life when I first read this as a youth and I wanted to thank you for the creative inspiration and jolt to my imagination and (hopefully!) eventual career in writing and creative work. It inspired my imagination, my love for the genre and captured a sense of fantasy and joy that I still feel every time I pick up my original dog-eared copy.
Thanks so much Elizabeth for the wonderful work you do and best of luck for the future.
Clare xxxxoooo-
Will Selissen-
I am an aspiring 10 year old author. I have written several stories on the shorter side (my longest being about 18 pages), and I have no idea how to show them to other people. My school doesn’t have a journal or a newspaper or anything, and I would love to show off my longer stories somehow. Can you help?-
Look for other places online where you can publish your stories and get feedback from readers.
Write on!
This summer, I read your book The Castle in The Attic. I really liked it. How did you get the idea of a magical castle? Were there other books or an experience in your life that influenced you? If you can, please answer.
Joe Grudt, 4th grade, Island Lake, Illinois
Janet Pelletier
Thank you for this comment. I myself love that poem and used part of it as an epigraph for my novel ISLAND JUSTICE. I’m glad it expressed your wishes for your sister.
Will there be any more adult books in the future? Years ago I read “Island Justice” and thought it one of the best books I have read. I also enjoyed “Counting on Grace.” Yesterday, I received a used copy of “In My Mother’s House.” I would assume this was your first adult book? Any short stories out there? I like your style of writing–straight forward, no wasted words. And best of all I CARE about the characters.
I do hope to hear from you.
Kelley Fisher
Kristine Slaughter
Laura Thompson
I came across an advertisement for Counting on Grace, in a North Carolina Conversations journal last night. I immediately recognized the little girl on your book jacket. Two years ago, I received a North Carolina Arts Council grant to collaborate on a ceramic tile mural with my fourth graders and artist in residence, Ray Moose. It is titled, A TRIBUTE TO TEXTILES, and chronicles the evolution of the textile industry through a series of sculpted tiles that my students created. We live in a southern mill town. Some teachers also created a tile. I was inspired by the photograph of Addie in front of her machine. I had read in an article that accompanied the photo that the little girl’s arm was misshaped or malformed, probably due to an injury in the mill. It had not been treated properly after the accident. It also stated that Addie appeared older and wiser than her actual age. I supposed her to be around the same age as my fourth graders and created a tile of her. I had also read Doug Marlette’s novel, The Bridge, while researching images for our mural. We were honored to have him speak at our unveiling! He encouraged my students to listen to the stories that their parents and grandparents shared with them and to tell them over and over so that that the stories, their history, would not be forgotten. I would love to email or send you a photograph of our mural and of my tile. You can see a photograph of the mural on Cabarrus County School’s website. Link to Mt. Pleasant Elementary, then to staff web pages, then to me, Beth Smithson. It will be under textile mural. Please let me know if you would like to see the tile of Addie . I can’t wait to read Counting on Grace!
Beth Smithson
Art Teacher
Mt. Pleasant Elementary School
Cabarrus County Schools
North Carolina
Delaney Warters
Park, Kansas high school. My students and I are working on a benefit
performance of poems from The Cancer Poetry Project and we would like to
use your poem, Clay Pigeons. Please let me know if we may have your
permission. Thank you.
~Stephanie and Anna
Thanks Again~
Stephanie and Anna
PS we are sorry we got the message so late we were looking for more info and started to read the comment page and that you replyed!-
I have just written a 15 page prequel to Castle in the Attic for my homework assignment. Since you liked Caslte in the Attic, I am going to ask you a question. Would you like to read it and give me some proofreading advice in return. It is called Alastor’s Childhood. I am 10 years old and the paper is due on April 17. I can email it to you.
I saw Elizabeth talk about Counting on Grace at Pownal, Vermont’s library and I really wish I had listened to it. I was dumb to not listen, because Counting on Grace is such an awesome book and I really want to know more about it! It was gross when Arthur cut off his fingers. EEW!! But other wise, GREAT! My favorite parts in the book were when Pepe died, from chapter 13 to. . . no idea.
I write lots of stories and this book was a great masterpiece and was very enjoyable.
My teacher told me to check this site out, and i am quite glad I did.
OMG! I know Mikayla Bentley and she was in my reading group and she made a comment on this site!!!! CCOOOLLL!!!!!!!
Hi, Mikayla!
My students and I are trying to find a picture or video that explains doffing. We are enjoying Counting On Grace so much and are curious about this process.
Are there pictures somewhere we could explore?
J. Christman
First of all I want to thank you for writing the Castle books. It has been one of my top favorites since I was about the age of 9 or 10 and still is today at the age of 25. It was probably the first book that got me interested in reading.
I would love it if “The Castle in the Attic” was made into a movie but only if it stays true to the book. I read somewhere that it was going to be turned into a movie in 2010, is this true? I always wanted to try to turn the book into a screenplay but I am still a novice at writing. Infact i’m taking an at home study course on freelance writing.
If your books ever do become movies, I hope they stay true to the story you wrote so wonderfully. Thank you.
Thank you for taking the time to write to me. Walden Studios has an option on THE CASTLE IN THE ATTIC and THE BATTLE FOR THE CASTLE so perhaps a movie will be made someday. I’ve learned not to hold my breath while at the same time urging the screenplay writer and producer to hold true to the characters, especially William.
Isn’t it amazing that Lewis Hine worked in his parents’ coffee shop? Did you know he was born in Oshkosh, Wisconsin and that he had to work in a furniture factory when his father died. He understood child labor better than most because of that.
I don’t have any further books about Grace planned right now, but I do miss her company so I could always change my mind.
Thanks for writing.
Thank you for taking the time to write to me about your love of my characters. I too have a huge affection for them so it means a great deal to me when I hear that readers have connected with them. Yes, I am still alive and still writing. Will there be another CASTLE book? I’m never sure where my creative energy will take me, but I never say never.
Perhaps your family would enjoy COUNTING ON GRACE which is a very different kind of novel, but one with characters I cherish as much as I do William. The whole family could listen to a reading of the audio book if that would save Julie’s voice!
Thanks for alerting me to the Tralalire version of MAGGIE. I shall ask my publisher for a copy of the translation.
Sharlyn Nelson
On behalf of the participating students and faculty at Highland School of Technology, I would like to thank you for your exceptional and informative presentation on Wednesday, November 12, 2008. We enjoyed and greatly appreciate the time and information you graciously shared with us. We also thank you for taking the time to answer our many questions.
As you may or may not know, the United States History as well as Civics and Economics classes read-Counting on Grace. We found it very interesting, with a remarkable purpose and a great storyline. We look forward to reading more of your work and seeing you again in the future!
My class at Pownal Elementary School is reading Counting On Grace. I’m in the fifth grade in Mr. Partenope’s reading group and I really enjoying your book!-
sincerly, Mikayla-
Thank You for coming to our school cramerton! I really enjoyed your book. I was wondering if you had any plans to write other books about the mills?
I was glad to meet you and all the good people of Gaston County. At this point I don’t have any plans to write another book about the mill, but you never know where my imagination will lead me.
Your family history is held in the highest regard.
to my master website, which will duplicate the information (Richard Alsop)which has been kindly contributed by you.
Please let me know if you wish to add or change anything.
Kindest Regards
David Alsup
Thank you so much for keeping me updated on the Alsop Family information. All looks fine to me and I appreciate the link back to my website.
I love the name grace, I want to know what gave you that name. I hope you write a sequel. Yours truly, Lacy
I have to tell you that when my teachers started reading Counting On Grace it made me think of how foutunate ,I am of not having to work in a mill.It made me think of how many boys and,girls like Grace are abused and,sufer.I would say that Counting On Grace changed my way of thinking and,being thankful for what,I have.One last thing,I would like to know in what way did Counting On Grace change your life and,your way of thinking?I look foward to a respond to my answer.Thank you so much for taking time to read my comment.BYE
I want to tell you that Counting on Grace is one of the many books that I have really enjoyed reading. Also that Counting on Grace has changed my thoughts to good thoughts on how I used to think about things that happened in the past,and I would like to thank you for that.
I really enjoyed your book Counting On Grace. Before I read this book, I didn’t really understand the life in the mills. But now, it makes me want to go do research on it myself. I am also glad you took the time to come to my school, Belmont Middle. God Bless!-
I really enjoyed reading this book! I learned a lot about the mills and about the people that worked there. The way the people treated these kids in the mill was just unbelievable. The way they made them work,and on the most dangerous machines.How long they made them work for just little money a week was surprising.I really loved the way you wrote this book. It was really fantastic!!
I really liked your book couting on grace it was a good book.You did a great job on writing it. I really enjoyed reading it because it really made me think about how it would have been if i was alive.Well e-mail back thanks josh
I Enjoyed Counting On Grace. I Also Enjoyed You Comming And Telling Us What Inspired You. And How It Was A Life Experenice For You. Before I Read Counting On Grace I Thought I Knew Lot’s Of Stuff About Mill Life. I Did, But Not Half As Much As There Was To Know. I Knew About The House’s But Not Child Labor. Thanks For Comming And To Our Middle School And Sharing With Us.
I thought your book was really cool. It was interesting to hear how all those young kids were forced to work in the mills. I also thought it was neat how you wrote a fictional story but added true people and events
I sincerely loved counting on grace,it makes me realize how lucky i really am.I know you said your not sure about a sequal but I think it would be a great idea for you to do that.anyway i just wanted to say how much i liked the book and thank you for coming to my school.
i enjoyed the book counting on grace because it showed me how young the kids were that worked in the mills
I have sincerly enjoyed your book. It make me truely gracious that I have a chance at an education and I don’t have to work my fingers to the bone. Grace is an insprational character that can show you to truly be thankful for what they have; because after all life isn’t about what you have, *who* you know, or where you live; life is about love and compassion and to always give even if you don’t receive; and I think your character Grace is all about giving!
Reading Counting On Grace was very interesting. I enjoyed reading through Grace’s point of view, and I loved her speech and how she talked. Counting on Grace opened my eyes to see that there was child labor, and how lucky I am to be living now instead of back in Grace’s time. I’ve always known school was important, and I knew how kids were taken out of school at a young age back then, but this was the first time I saw it through a novel, and not a text book. When you came to my school, I was so impressed by how much research you did on mill life and the girl, Addie. I hope when I’m older, I can be half the author that you are.
I have had the wonderful oppertunity to read counting on Grace. I was startled to read about the mill villages and how horrible child labor was. My grandmother was a millrat but i never thought about the life she had to go through. she now suffers from horrible athritis and troubling pain. Your writtings have really opened my eyes to see that children of our generation do not have to go through the excrutiating pain and troubling that Grace, Arhter, and Delia had to. Thank you for being such a great influence on my thoughts of mill life and child laboring.
I have recently read your book COUNTING ON GRACE. It was a very good book. I like how couragefull Grace was and how she lived life as a mill worker. Sometimes it really makes me sick how thosse people had to live. Also the child labor is horrible. I also enjoy learning about the mills. Mr. Hine was a very neat man there should be more people like him in the world.
I have sincerly enjoyed your book. It make me truely gracious that I have a chance at an education and I don’t have to work my fingers to the bone. Grace is an insprational character that can show you to truly be thankful for what they have; because after all life isn’t about what you have, wbeepyou know, or where you live; life is about love and compassion and to always give even if you don’t receive; and I think your character Grace is all about giving!
Counting on Grace was a very good book. It gave me a really good look on child labor. I didnt know that families sometimes lied about the child’s age, just to get them work in the mill. It is so very sad to hear that kids probably younger than me would be working, and cut off a finger, or hurt their leg and become a cripple. I would hate have injured myself, but they still come to get you back to work! How sad?! It really helped me understand the mills, and child labor. People were so desparate to earn money, that they would just throw their children- underage, sometimes- into the mills. How did it make you feel when you learned all of these facts about the mills?
Thank You
Counting on grace was one of the best books i have ever read.Im glad we had the oppurtunity to read it.I enjoyed having you come to our school.I hope I can read more of your books.
I’m so glad that my school had the opportunity to hear you speak about your book,”Counting on Grace”, when you came to our school, Belmont Middle. I really liked the book and hope there’s a sequel.
I personally LOVED Counting on Grace. It was a great book! I learned so much about mill life. I hope to find some more books that you’ve writen. Can you give me some of the titles of some of the books that you’ve writen that are exciting?
I have enjoyed reading the book, Counting On Grace, and I have learned alot about what happened in that time. It was a really nice book, and I loved the part where Mr. Hine meets Grace, and talks with her. We have really learned alot in my class while reading it, and I liked when you came in as a speaker and described to us the “behind the scenes”. I have really enjoyed this book and I hope you will make a sequal.
I realy enjoyed reading the book counting on grace when i took the test on the book i made a 100% and at the end i put that it was one of the best books i have ever read.I hope u write another counting on grace book to coutine the story i would probly read it was a very very very good book.
It changed the way i thought of my life. I thought i had a bad life, but after reading this book i ike life the way it is now. I would hate to live the wat the kids lived back then.
I really enjoyed your story about Grace. She is an amazing character that really speaks to the reader and she makes you think. She is relatable and she has a voice that speaks clear and true! You are very talented. The way you ended it was perfect! It gives you enough information to give you a clue to what may happen next but not enough to resrict our own imaginations wonderings. I myself have a passion for writing and hope to be as successful as you one day. You have inspired me to connect to my characters in a different way, to get to know them the way you know Grace.
Addie would be proud to have inspired such a moving story. I think in a way she would have wanted the story of a mill child to be told! You amaze me with your dedication and love of writing! Keep it up! I will be sure to look for what ever comes next!!
We read Counting on Grace in school. At first I did not think I would like it. I changed my mind after the first couple of chapters. It was a very good book.
I realy enjoyed your book Counting on Grace. I thought that it was a great book and that it was very informative about childlabor both back in the the early 1900’s and childlabor today. I’m realy glad you took the time to come to our school and tell us about Counting on Grace and all the research you did. I hope that you do come out with a sequel.
I liked your book a whole lot. At the beginning, honestly, my friends and I hated it. But in the end, I thought it was very informative since we live in what used to be a mill town. I also liked the way it ended. I don’t have any questions for you but you are a fabulous writer.
I liked the story of Grace and her friends and family. It sounds to me like a real story and that it actually happened. I do hope that you write another book about Grace and tell what happens to her/Arthur. This book taught me a lot.
I loved the book Counting on Grace. I like to learn about the mills and interesting history like that. Thank you for coming to the school and talking to us more about the book. I hope you write a sequel because I would like to know what happens to Arthur, his mom, and Miss Lesley. I would also like to see what happens to Grace if a new teacher comes and takes her place as the permanent teacher.
I enjoyed Counting on Grace. It was a good book and explained a lot to me about the early 1900’s. I feel very lucky to be living in the time period right now. I feel sorry for the children back then and angry that there weren’t many people like Lewis Hine. Thank you.
I really liked your book Counting on Grace. To me, it taught kids these days to appreciate school and the privelges that we have now. Alot of us are ungrateful for the things we have and reading how life was in the mill in the early 1900’s really helps you realize that. I love Grace’s character and the way she deals with her issues. Are you going to write a sequel?
I think your book was great. I really enjoyed reading it and I hope you will make a sequel.
I really liked this book. In the beggining I thought I was not going to like it, but then when I started reading it I thought it was a great book! Iwould like to know some things about Adelaide card. How did you feel when you found out that her name was actually Adelaide Card not Annie Laird? Why were you so interested in mills? Did you ever think to give up on Adelaide? How did finding out about her change your life? Were you relieved when you finally finished the book? How long did it take you to find Adelaids grandchildren? That is alot of question and I hope you can answer them. Thank you and good bye.
I enjoyed reading your book and listining to your speech. This book opend my eyes’ to the horrible mistreatment of people, especialy children, not just in mills but all over the world. I can’t understand how people can be so greedy that they force children to waste any chance for a better life just so they can save money. I hope your book helps people see just how much still needs to be done to end child labor permanently. Keep it up!
a concerned student
I really enjoyed your book “Counting On Grace”. It showed me things that I had not know before. To be honest, I never really cared much about child labor i just was happy that I wasnt working. Now i think about what they went through and how they didn’t get to grow up with the nice things we get to. The hours and constant working would be horrible, not to mention the possible diseases. Your book was different from the other ones i have been reading, it was a good change.
from Stratford
I loved Counting on Grace. It has all the qualities of a good book! This book made me look at child labor a whole different way. It makes me feel angry and sad that kids didn’t have a chance to get an education like i have. When you came to talk with us i was very impressed how much research you did. You really knew your facts. I also have one question for you. How many copies of Counting on Grace have you sold?????
You recently came to our school and you talked to us about your book Counting on Grace. We read your book as a class and it was very good. Your stlye of writing is so unique. I thought that the way you make the characters connect with the reader was amazing. I could just imagine everything that happened in my head and it was easy, flowing reading. I am going to see if our library has any of your books. I wanted to let you know you changed the way I saw the past.
Counting on Grace was a great book! I loved it, its probably my favorite book becuase I like that time period. My favorite parts were when Lewis Hine came and stayed with Grace, and also when Arthur and Grace split the photo. I enjoyed you coming to our school, and hope to read more of your books in the future!!!-
What I liked about Counting on Grace is where grace was trying her best to get out of the mill.
This is Haleah and i really enjoyed you coming to my school.I really like your book COUNTING ON GRACE!!!! My mom aslo worked in the mill and i think she can relate to what you were writing.She said that is was very hard to work.I am pretty gald that i wasnt born durin that time cause it ws hard.I have a question…..Have you ever work in the mill during your child life?I really did like your book and i am going to keep reading all your books I can find out there.Well keep on writing!!
My favorite part in the book is when Grace got to see herself in a photo for the first time.I like the fact that you used really people in the book like Grace,Author,and Delia.I hope you make a second book to see If Grace is Stii teaching And if Author had to work in another mill.
Thank You for writing this incredible book Counting On Grace and coming to our school BMS! Your visit was a wonderful experience, and I have learned so many new things about the Mill Life and those wbeeplived it. The question I would like to ask is how did you come up with the whole setting of Mill Life and how it interested you? Thank You again and I hope that you enjoyed us at our school.
I enjoyed your book.I learned that child labor was used back then and still today.I also learned about the mill and the mill village.I didnt know that you had to work at a young age
MY father worked in the mill and dofted..
This novel makes me understand how lucky my generation and i really am.
Nice to meet you. I’m so glad you’ve been reading my books. Hope you enjoy them. There might be a movie of THE CASTLE IN THE ATTIC one day so stay tuned.
A group of students in our school just finished reading your novel Counting on Grace. It is nominated for our state book award, the Mark Twain Award. We thoroughly enjoyed the novel and have enjoyed learning about Addie and her life story. We particularly enjoyed listening to your radio interview. The book falling off the shelf at just the right page gave us all goosebumps.
The students really would like a sequel because they felt like the book left them hanging. We really care about Grace and her family. Since you know how Addie’s life turned out, would that effect your decision to do another novel? You could write more about Arthur or Miss Leslie or Grace’s life as a teacher!
Thank you for writing such a great book.
The 4 & 5 grade students at Alexander Doniphan Elementary
They are two very different people for me. I invented Grace inspired by the photograph and Addie was a real child wbeephad a very tough life.
if I were to write a sequel, I would follow Grace’s story. And yes, I think she would remain a teacher her whole life. I worry a lot about Arthur though. He’s smart, but he gets himself into trouble easily. And now Miss Lesley is out of a job. Where will she end up?
The characters do live on for me and I’m glad they do for all of you too.
What a thrill it is for me to hear a story like yours… when I’m writing a book, I become completely engrossed by the characters and their stories, but it’s especially gratifying to know that the same thing can happen to readers…
How lovely to know that you “walked through Graceland” as I’ve come to call it. And yes, after my research, I do believe that Grace’s story was not too far from Addie’s.
Joe is finding so many of the descendants of Lewis Hine subjects including some of those little “newsies” you mention.
Since that time I have visited your website and arranged for the librarian at the congregation I attend in Vancouver to order a copy of Counting on Grace for the church library.
2. What books have you written other than The Castle in the Attic?
3. What comments do you have on your books?
4. What is two interesting facts about you?
You must look at my website for my other books. I’ve published over fifty books for children and adult readers.
I love to write stories and I hope the readers enjoy reading them as much as I love writing them.
I love to knit. I have five brothers and no sisters.
And good luck to your cousin Rachel in her movie making work.
It was one of my daughter’s favorites. She recently became a teacher and I would like to give her this book for her new classroom. I can’t find it anywhere. Can you tell me where I can locate a new copy? I would greatly appeciate it. Thank you, norma
Do you just send an idea of a book first, before you actually write it to see if they like it?
When did you write your first book?
What year did you get married? What was the year of your childrens births?
I was married for the second time in 2005.
My son was born in 1977 and my daughter in 1974.
Jill from Idaho
I am in 6th grade and our class just read The Castle In the Attic. I really wished that Mrs. Phillips would stay with William, but too bad she didn’t!! Anywho, I am a young writer myself and my teachers ‘admire’ my work. Tell me some advice!
You can also go to website again and click on the Advice to Young Writers Link…
My name is Alexis. I am 12 years old and in 6th grade. I love your books and am a writer myself. I have a few stories written and my family is so proud of me. No one else in my family writes. I read your advice for young authors and I am not going to give up. My teachers are fond of my skills. I was just wondering if you had any personal pointers or tips to help me along my way. If you do, that would be really great. I have never really been able to talk to anyone about writing that actually understands. I am really a fan and would be amazed if someone like you (no offense) would actually be nice enough to take time to read and respond to this email.
I love your book The Castle in the Attic. I think it is genius. I have some few questions to ask you. First, when William shrinks himself why doesn’t his dad start looking for him or calling the police saying WHERE IS MY SON YOU HAVE TO HELP ME LOOK FOR HIM. Second, in the end what does Mrs. Phillips do to Alastor? Last whenare you comming to Georgia for that book confrence that you’re going to speak at? I want to Know because our above and beyond class wants to come and see you and I know that Rahul already emailed you but he never told me what did you say so I would be very happy to tell me about the book confrence.
Daniel Wu
You need to look at the book again to see the answer to your question about William’s father not looking for him. It’s all about the trick the token plays with time.
If you want to know what Mrs. Phillips does to Alastor, read THE BATTLE FOR THE CASTLE.
I’m coming to Atlanta in early May of this year and so hoping I can meet your teacher and some of your class too!
I have written a short story entitled: The Legend of Jump’n Jim Cannon. My story is based on a real person, Jim Cannon, whom I met two summers ago while working at Shelburne Farms, in Shelburne, Vermont. Jim is a native Vermonter in the classic sense; when born and raised in Vermont, as I have learned from being called a “flat lander” from New Jersey, you become a part of a special inheritance, an ancestral bond formed out of the mountains, valleys, forests, farms, soil, communities, and generations of Vermonters past.
James Augustus Michael Cannon, in my mind, embodies this unique spirit of statehood -of the feeling of belonging to a special place -Jim’s character was truly formed from the mythical rock and soil of Vermont.
I think the story has great potential to reach out to young people and inspire them to follow their own heart throughout life. Sometimes, it’s not the college or type of work you choose that makes for a succesful life, it’s the special people wbeepyou meet along the way, at each significant phase of growing up. Jim taught me that to become a real person, being always true to yourself, is a hard thing to accomplish; and is probably life’s greatest accomplishment in the end.
I write poetry, mostly, and am most comfortable in that style of expressing myself. But I would love the opportunity to share my short story with you. I am a Janitor by profession. I work at the Davis Center, at the University of Vermont. It would be an honor to speak with you. I believe that with some help -maybe in the form of collaboration, the story of The Legend of Jump’n Jim Cannon could be a grand success.
I am doing a book report on “Battel for the Castle”. I loved it so much!!!! So for my book report I have to be the author!!!-
Alexa Martinez
You and Josh keep on reading.
My friend and I (Josh) started a book club for your book ‘Battle of the Castle’. We really are enjoying it. We loved that part of the fisherman and the giant rats. How did you think of a huge rat as the animal? Thanks to you and your book I will not stop reading. The book is so good – I will not put it down! And it was the best book ever. Josh and I love it. So, keep writing!
Katie Latack